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Anti-Bullying Case Work

Bullying is something that must never be tolerated, but all too often, despite work place and school policies, it is. The bullying of any child must be dealt with swiftly and effectively. Poor communication, ineffective action, or simply a lack of urgency and a diminished understanding on how children's rights to a safe 'workplace' also matter just as much as they do for adults.  Whatever your circumstance, we are here to ensure a quick resolution for your child so that no more learning days are lost to others. We don't just do the advising, we act firmly on your and your child's behalf and will engage with the school at this very stressful time while keeping you informed every step of the way.


If your child is being bullied then get in touch to get a successful resolution for your child.




We ask for a voluntary contribution so we can help all no matter their financial status.


Thank you for your order/query. We will be in touch in a few hours.

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